

By now, we all know our next President will be Barack Obama - the First African American President of the United States.

The problem I have is with the racist that blog the derogatory words about him. It still shows that this nation has a ways to go, but it is on the right track. For those of you that cannot get past race, I feel sorrow for you. It is evident that you are the same people that get boners over Sarah Palin and the ignorants she brings to the election process.

There are those that did not vote for Barack Obama based upon the issues and not the color of his skin. I fully understand how certain issues would prevent you from voting from him. There is nothing wrong with having problems with his political ideology, I can relate to this in my opinions of those on the Republican side, but to disagree based upon skin color is assinine.

I have to say the majority of racist were in the Democratic Party. The nineteen percent of Hillary Clinton supporters who voted against Obama speaks volumes about themselves. How could you vote against your own ideology and principles? There is only one answer - race was the issue.

Well, the election is over and I say to the people that have a problem with Barack Obama to build a bridge and get over it.