
With advisors like this, who needs enemies?

Phil Gramm has tripped on his proverbial pecker while commenting on those that are worried about the economy. He called this "a nation of whiners" whose economic complaints are mostly "mental".

Remember Phil Gramm was a Senator that was a Democratic Senator from Texas before he slid over to being a Republican. He had slipped many ill-advised resolution in bills prior to his retirement from the Senate. And in many cases, he created the debacles you see as of late. Check this website for clarity - http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2008/07/foreclosure-phil.html

This is a man that has done nothing but suck off the government's teat since he was born. And yet, he cries about less government in people's lives. Without the government, this man would have been on the unemployment line years ago.

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